Be your own healthcare advocate. How can I advocate for myself during my pregnancy?
The first step in your pregnancy should be finding the right healthcare provider. You are going to be seeing a lot of each other and making decisions together about your prenatal and postpartum care. You need someone you feel comfortable with. Consider the following questions when deciding if a provider is right for you.
A good relationship with your healthcare provider means you feel comfortable bringing up your questions and concerns and being confident that their answers are in your best interest.
The next step is to know that healthcare providers must obtain your informed consent prior to beginning a treatment or procedure. In order to do so, they must ensure that you are able to make a free choice and understand your treatment options. This requirement is meant to protect you against unwanted medical interventions and to ensure that you are an active participant in your own medical care. If you are confused about something your doctor is saying or they are using complex medical jargon, you are well within your rights to ask for a clarification. Medical professionals must take the time to explain everything in terms you will understand and also must respect your choices. Ultimately, it is your body and your pregnancy.
Advocating for yourself is not the same as being pushy. There is a difference between being assertive and being confrontational. You have a voice in your prenatal care and the delivery room. You are not a passive participant. At every turn you have the legal right to informed consent and right of refusal. That means you can say “No” or “Stop” at any time. You’re also entitled to a full discussion with your care provider about the risks and potential benefits of anything they are suggesting, and about your alternatives, with the right to say “no” to anything.
Finally, ask questions. Asking questions is an excellent way to advocate for yourself, especially when something doesn’t feel right. By learning more about what’s going on, you can make a more informed decision and have a better sense of whether or not you’re comfortable with what’s happening. Another benefit to asking lots of questions is that it tips off your nurse or provider that you are having some big feelings about what’s going on. It could be fear, confusion, or uncertainty. A good provider or nurse will notice that because of your questions and help you feel more educated.
Consider asking open-ended questions instead of questions that can be answered with a simple “yes” or “no.” Phrasing questions with “what” or “why” or “how” will give way to more detailed answers from your healthcare provider. Chances are, having more information will make you feel more comfortable.
Still unclear? It’s OK to keep asking your healthcare provider for clarification until you understand the answer. Ask them ‘What does that mean?’ or ‘Can you explain that to me?’ until you feel informed about what’s going on. Remain calm and persistent until your concerns are addressed. And if things get tense when you bring up questions, that may be a sign that you need to find another healthcare provider.
AbbaCare is a nonprofit Pregnancy Resource Center currently serving in the Winchester, VA and Martinsburg, WV areas. When making any decision, it is important to know the facts. If you or someone you know is facing an unplanned, or unexpectedly difficult, pregnancy and would like to learn more about our services,
please contact us
here or by calling
540.665.9660 in Winchester or
304.726.6582 in Martinsburg.
AbbaCare is a 501(c)(3) non-profit specializing in pregnancy confirmation and assisting those facing unexpected pregnancies.
We do not offer extended OB/GYN or prenatal care, nor do we provide or refer for abortion services, the abortion pill, emergency contraception, or birth control. The information presented on this website is for general purposes.