Cheerful Community Giving. At the end of the year, many may feel the strain of stretched finances after the holiday spending season is over. Receiving assistance with the day-to-day material household needs is a wonderful benefit provided by many community organizations. Cheerful givers can bless recipients with the gift of needed items such as clothing, food, and financial assistance.
“For it is in giving that we receive.”
-Francis of Assisi
Within the Winchester, VA and Martinsburg, WV areas, there are many non-profit organizations that proudly serve their communities year-round and especially during the holidays/winter months when funds and resources are limited for many people. A list of some of these organizations is found below; please visit their websites for more information or contact them directly for material assistance needs!
Winchester, VA
Blue Ridge Hospice Thrift Shop CLOTHING
Winchester, VA Food Pantries List
Hope Again Care Center CLOTHING & FOOD
Salvation Army Thrift Store CLOTHING
Valley Assistance Network FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE
Martinsburg, WV
CCAP also called Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry
Many resources are available for Berkeley County residents. Everything from dental care to gasoline or clothing vouchers for work.
There is also free emergency food, meals for the homeless, transportation (including Meals on Wheels for the homebound) and much more.
The food pantry is open from 10AM to 1PM daily.
Church Without Walls
A clothing warehouse and God’s store house pantry are on site. There are also Adopt a Family Christmas toy programs for children and holiday meals.
Catholic Charities WV
Food bank and the church may have some of the following: Personal hygiene supplies, assistance for immigrants, shelter, money for rent or medications and other services.
Salvation Army
505 Virginia Avenue
Martinsburg, WV 25401
They offer free Thanksgiving or Christmas meals, school supplies, as well as clothing vouchers.
“Feeding the Homeless and Hungry” every Friday at 11:30AM at the Martinsburg Library.
The Clothes Closet of First Baptist Church of Inwood, WV
A used clothing ministry, The Clothes Closet is open the first Saturday of every month from 9AM – 12PM.
Soup Kitchen 3rd Tuesday of the month 11AM-12PM
Market and Clothing Shop.
226 Winchester Ave. Martinsburg WV 25401
Tuesday and Thursday 9-11AM and Saturday 2-4 PM
Clothing closet open Thursdays 10AM-1PM
911 N. High St. Martinsburg, WV 25401
For housing resources, visit our blog, “Homeless and Pregnant: Finding Emergency or Transitional Housing.”
AbbaCare is a pregnancy resource center serving women and families facing pregnancies that are unexpected or unexpectedly difficult. To learn more about our free, confidential services, visit
Referral information provided by the pregnancy center does not mean that the center guarantees or endorses the providers/agencies. These organizations are not affiliated with the center but rather are independent agencies. The center provides these referrals for your convenience only and does not necessarily endorse the materials, policies or practices of these providers/agencies. By accepting referral information from the center, you understand and agree that the center is in no way responsible for the acts, omissions, results or services of any of the providers/agencies. You are responsible for interviewing and selecting suitable providers/agencies. Therefore, you should do your own inquiry and contact providers/agencies directly for relevant information, such as information on insurance coverage. If you are under 18 years of age, the center recommends that you seek advice of a parent/guardian in considering providers/agencies.
AbbaCare is a 501(c)(3) non-profit specializing in pregnancy confirmation and assisting those facing unexpected pregnancies.
We do not offer extended OB/GYN or prenatal care, nor do we provide or refer for abortion services, the abortion pill, emergency contraception, or birth control. The information presented on this website is for general purposes.