Adoption Can Be a Beautiful Option. When facing an unplanned pregnancy, it’s normal to feel a sense of panic. Many women feel overwhelmed by the idea of being pregnant, let alone becoming a mom. Some women may consider abortion as a quick solution, while others begin to consider what life with a new baby might look like. Women often feel pressure from the father of the baby, friends, family and even co-workers. Everyone seems to have an opinion. Yet the fact of the matter is, once a woman becomes pregnant, she has another life to consider, one that is completely dependent on what she decides.
For some women, becoming a parent simply isn’t feasible. Adoption provides a new beginning for all involved – the birthparents, the baby and the adoptive parents. Yet many people misunderstand adoption. They may believe that adoption is “giving their baby to strangers”, or that it is similar to the foster system. Another common misconception is that they will never see their child again. Yet modern adoption is none of these things and is often the most beautiful and gratifying choice birthparents can make for their child.
So just what is adoption? It is a process in which birthparents make a plan for their baby to be raised by other parents. Permanent legal custody, with all its rights and responsibilities is transferred from the birthparents to the adoptive parents. The birthparents are in complete control of this process, choosing from a list of potential parents who have gone through extensive screening. Birth moms and dads are able to get to know these couples and envision what life for their baby will look like. Often the relationship between birthparents and adoptive parents becomes a strong and lifelong bond.
Birthparents work with the adoption agency/attorney and the adoptive parents to determine details such as how much contact they will have with the baby. This can range from in-person visits and phone calls to annual photos, cards and letters. Other birthparents will choose no contact and simply rest in the fact that they have placed their baby in the hands of a loving mom and dad. In short, birthparents are in the driver’s seat, not only choosing life for their child, but giving him or her the gift of a two parent home with a couple who are prepared and eager to love their new baby.
If you or someone you know would like to find out more about adoption, please contact AbbaCare, and one of our client service advocates will be happy to answer your questions.
The first step is to give us a call. You can contact us
here or by calling
540.665.9660 in Winchester or
304.726.6582 in Martinsburg. Come for a free, confidential pregnancy appointment and bring any thoughts, questions, and concerns you may have about adoption. We are here to talk.
AbbaCare is a 501(c)(3) non-profit specializing in pregnancy confirmation and assisting those facing unexpected pregnancies.
We do not offer extended OB/GYN or prenatal care, nor do we provide or refer for abortion services, the abortion pill, emergency contraception, or birth control. The information presented on this website is for general purposes.